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Is Christianity the Truth Story of Reality?
Jon Noyes explains how the origin of the universe, the objective moral landscape, and the human soul all point to...
Does God Suffer With Us?
Matt Jones talks about how Jesus, God in human flesh, suffers with and for us. Jesus is not a distant...
Is Everyone a Theologian?
Matt Jones shares how although everyone may not be a ‘theologian’ in profession, everyone has the capacity and calling to...
Is Christianity Pro-Women?
Is the Way of Jesus supportive of and empowering for women? Alycia Wood explores how the biblical narrative views women...
Why Should Christians Read?
Paul Gould discusses the undeniable importance of reading. Christians, as people of the book, ought to focus on reading and...
How Has Feminism Influenced Society?
John Stonestreet unpacks the ways in which feminism has positively and negatively impacted our culture. The various ‘waves’ of feminism...
Bringing Peace in a Broken World
Author and professor of the Old Testament, Ingrid Faro, explores the purpose we all have in bringing goodness and stopping...
Christians, Humans, & Spirituality?
David Wilson explores what it means that humans are both physical and spiritual beings. But what does it mean to...
Coffee, Christianity, & Our Kingdom Calling
Pastor, worship leader, teacher, professor, and coffee connoisseur, Tim Herbel, offers some insightful analogies to the Christian faith with a...
Do Christians Value Science?
J. Warner Wallace explains how Christianity and science are not mutually exclusive. Just the opposite! Christians have been trail blazers...
Is Church for All Times and Places?
Understanding the grand story of reality as it relates to past Christians is crucial for grasping our own place in...
What is the Church For?
Is the Church a building, a set of doctrines, a people group, or something else entirely? David Wilson explores what...
Advice for Persevering in Difficult Times
Jesus promised his followers that “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). But he goes on to say,...
Did Jesus Defeat Evil?
What does it mean that “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work” as told...
A Christian Response to Evil
What does it look like for Christians, as ambassadors of Jesus, to respond to the brokenness, the sin, and the...