Christian Worldview
Getting Started as a Mentor
Several of the ideas in this article have been pulled from Cultivate: Forming the Emerging Generation through Life-on-Life Mentoring by...
Science, Self-Help, or a Savior with Noah Kahan
Kahan is popular because he is giving voice, across so many of his songs, to the question that millions...
Sorry: The Truth in Love about Transgenderism
There is no doubt that the foundational truth the song proclaims is correct: No matter what people say or do,...
Is Christianity the Truth Story of Reality?
Jon Noyes explains how the origin of the universe, the objective moral landscape, and the human soul all point to...
Does God Suffer With Us?
Matt Jones talks about how Jesus, God in human flesh, suffers with and for us. Jesus is not a distant...
The Prodigal Project: Hope for American Families — Kendall Qualls
Racial strife, culture wars, and political differences have put a shadow over the promises America has to offer. Amid...
Beyond Racial Division: A Unifying Alternative to Colorblindness & Antiracism — George Yancey
It seems that racial tensions in our country have only gotten worse in recent years. From Black Lives Matter...
Getting Started as a Mentor
Several of the ideas in this article have been pulled from Cultivate: Forming the Emerging Generation through Life-on-Life Mentoring by...
Christianity Tells a Better Story Than “Love Is Love”
You’ve probably seen the slogan “Love is love” (or a variation of it) on a t-shirt, bumper sticker, or poster,...
Giving Church Another Chance
Most parents would celebrate finding their teen awake, dressed, and eager to get to church on a Sunday morning. While...
The Violinist Strikes Out
In 1971, two years before the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion for decades to follow, MIT...
The Church’s Role in Ending Human Trafficking
Slavery is thriving in today’s world. Though many think this oppressive practice is a thing of the past or a...
Disabilities, Discrimination, & the Dignity of Life
In Stanley Hauerwas’ book, Suffering Presence, which is a collection of theological reflections related to the world of medicine, he...
Is it Possible to Deradicalize Gen Z?
Dr. Jeff Myers shares that if we want the rising generation to fight for America’s future, not against it, we...
A Christian Economic & Societal Flourishing
If you’d like to learn more about economics from a biblical worldview and the ideas explored in this article, check...
Myths and Facts About the Israel and Palestine Conflict
Do conversations about Israel and Palestine leave your head spinning? Few issues seem to have as much misinformation surrounding them...
Step-by-Step Guide to Talking about Israel with Gen Z
When deadly viruses attack, doctors focus on combatting infection and infusing patients with massive doses of fluids and electrolytes to...
A Christian's Guide to the Israel and Palestine Conflict
Do you find yourself asking endless questions about how to understand the conflict in Israel? Whether you’re seeking answers for...
Faith, Science, & the Quest for Truth
As he stood before Pilate, Jesus responded to the governor’s question about his identity as a king: “You say that...
No Man’s Sky & the Argument from Apparent Design
Does the mere appearance of design in the natural world indicate a designer? And what does a video game have...
Church Hurt: A Christian's Response
Church hurt. This phrase has exploded in recent use. I often see Facebook posts headlined with “Trigger warning: Church hurt.”...
The Vital Role of the Church in a Broken World
In the sacred calling of shepherding God’s flock, pastors often grapple with the pressing issues of our time while striving...
“This is Still the Morning of Creation” — Glacier-Like Formation
In 1879, John Muir, the legendary conservationist and explorer, took a canoe trip up the coast of Alaska in order...
The Problem of Evil: Asking the Questions & Living the Questions
How could an all-powerful, all-loving God allow so much evil and suffering? In the world of apologetics, this question is...
Helping Gen Z Combat Financial Fear in Uncertain Times
The United States economy is a consistent topic of concern and debate as we settle into 2024. A recent study...
The Parable of the Talents & Faithful Stewardship
It begins with some bags of gold. In Matthew 25, Jesus offers a series of striking parables designed to develop...
Stewarding & Managing God's Resources
Here is a basic question for life: How should we manage our gifts and resources well? Given a limited lifespan...
The Power of Mentorship in the Disciple’s Journey
Long ago, a teenager in a far away land chafed under the weight of his aunt and uncle’s expectations. Fearing...
Hope for Those Lost in Progressive Christianity
We live in a culture that is largely shaped by trends and comfortability. Instead of wanting to delve deeper into...
Transformative Household Habits for Families in God’s Redemptive Story
You are the totality of your habits. The invisible, overlooked, and often insignificant moments of your day are where your...
The Dangerous Progression of Progressive Christianity
Throughout its nearly 2,000-year history, the Christian Church has been regularly under attack, resisting the corrupting efforts of various errant...
The Faith Once for All: The Apostles’ Creed
On front yard lawns and landscapes, I see them everywhere. They are 24’ by 18’ cardboard signs. Each sign contains...
Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him & Taking Over His Church
Below is an excerpt from the introduction of Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him and Taking Over His...
Soul-Nourishing Resolutions for the New Year
As Christians, when we consider New Year’s resolutions, we often think about reading the Bible more, praying more often, or...
Gen Z Needs a Bigger Christmas Story
Gen Z needs a bigger Christmas story. The majority of culture has a very small, me-centered view of Christmas. It’s...
Stop Looking Inside Yourself
America’s post-COVID emotional reboot is not going well. In my work with thousands of young adults this year, I find...
The Word Made Clear: A Short Guide to Understanding Scripture
There’s nothing more fundamental to living the Christian life than studying the Bible. As biblical scholar Charles Ryrie expressed, “The...
Featured Articles
Allegiance to King Jesus Over President, Party, or Pundit
The political discourse in the twenty-first century is filled with emotion, outrage, and passion. This is true regardless of which...
An Argument from Design for God’s Existence
It is difficult not to feel a sense of amazement when looking at the surrounding world. There are millions of...
The Hope of the Servant King in Trials & Tribulations
The credits begin rolling. You get up from your seat, grab your popcorn bag, and head for the exit. On...
Thriving Students: Convictions, Character, & Community
Every summer, four banana yellow buses crawl up the foothills of the Colorado mountains to the Grand View Hotel in...
Show MoreThe Prodigal Project: Hope for American Families — Kendall Qualls
Racial strife, culture wars, and political differences have put a shadow over the promises America has to offer. Amid...
Beyond Racial Division: A Unifying Alternative to Colorblindness & Antiracism — George Yancey
It seems that racial tensions in our country have only gotten worse in recent years. From Black Lives Matter...
Finding God in the Twilight — Douglas Groothuis
How do you continue to find God as dementia pulls your loved one into the darkness? Where is God...
Top Podcasts
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Show MoreScience, Self-Help, or a Savior with Noah Kahan
Kahan is popular because he is giving voice, across so many of his songs, to the question that millions...
Sorry: The Truth in Love about Transgenderism
There is no doubt that the foundational truth the song proclaims is correct: No matter what people say or do,...
Stopping Anxiety
Sense of Self Both this film and the original have similar themes, with Joy—one of Riley’s personified emotions—trying to prevent...
Show MoreIs Christianity the Truth Story of Reality?
Jon Noyes explains how the origin of the universe, the objective moral landscape, and the human soul all point to...
Does God Suffer With Us?
Matt Jones talks about how Jesus, God in human flesh, suffers with and for us. Jesus is not a distant...
Is Everyone a Theologian?
Matt Jones shares how although everyone may not be a ‘theologian’ in profession, everyone has the capacity and calling to...