The Violinist Strikes Out
In 1971, two years before the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion for decades to follow, MIT...
Room for Leaving Questions Open
Is There an Architect? “The Architect” begins with what seems like a genuine reflection on the small wonders of the...
Progressive Christianity: Clarity & Charity
Some people who consider themselves Progressive Christians fall outside the bounds of orthodoxy in one or more of these basic...
Is Christianity the Truth Story of Reality?
Jon Noyes explains how the origin of the universe, the objective moral landscape, and the human soul all point to...
Does God Suffer With Us?
Matt Jones talks about how Jesus, God in human flesh, suffers with and for us. Jesus is not a distant...
Finding God in the Twilight — Douglas Groothuis
How do you continue to find God as dementia pulls your loved one into the darkness? Where is God...
Meaning, Purpose, & Resurrection (Rebroadcast) — Megan Almon
Megan Almon speaks on issues of life, meaning, and culture, and includes the compelling B.E.A.R. argument for the veracity...
The Violinist Strikes Out
In 1971, two years before the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion for decades to follow, MIT...
Truth Changes Everything: How a Biblical Worldview Advances Science
Below is an excerpt from Truth Changes Everything: How People of Faith Can Transform the World in Times of Crisis, written...
Step-by-Step Guide to Talking about Israel with Gen Z
When deadly viruses attack, doctors focus on combatting infection and infusing patients with massive doses of fluids and electrolytes to...
No Man’s Sky & the Argument from Apparent Design
Does the mere appearance of design in the natural world indicate a designer? And what does a video game have...
The Problem of Evil: Asking the Questions & Living the Questions
How could an all-powerful, all-loving God allow so much evil and suffering? In the world of apologetics, this question is...
The Dangerous Progression of Progressive Christianity
Throughout its nearly 2,000-year history, the Christian Church has been regularly under attack, resisting the corrupting efforts of various errant...
The Faith Once for All: The Apostles’ Creed
On front yard lawns and landscapes, I see them everywhere. They are 24’ by 18’ cardboard signs. Each sign contains...
The Word Made Clear: A Short Guide to Understanding Scripture
There’s nothing more fundamental to living the Christian life than studying the Bible. As biblical scholar Charles Ryrie expressed, “The...
God’s Word: Its Nature & Influence
The Bible is the best-selling book of all time and is the cornerstone of the Christian religion. For Christians, this...
Responding to Generation Z’s Questions about the Bible
Billy Graham once told the story of a personal crisis of faith, early in his ministry, regarding the nature of...
Deconstruction & the Road Back Home
How to Think About Deconstruction Large numbers of Americans today are departing from the church and sometimes the Christian faith....
Truth, Jesus, and Worry
You cannot overstate the importance of possessing a true and rational worldview for the development and durability of mental health....
The Resurrection of Jesus: Truth & Meaning for This Life & Beyond
It is always beneficial to reflect on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, since it (always linked to the crucifixion) is...
More than a Historical Celebrity: Who Jesus Really Is
Who is Jesus? Have you ever asked yourself this question? It’s an important question and one for which we need...
Responding to the Argument Convincing Gen Z to Be Pro-Choice
“In a post-Roe world, pregnant women have fewer rights than corpses.” Since June of 2022, this framing of abortion rights...
Answers to Common Pro-Choice Arguments
Abortion has been a hotly debated topic in the US for decades, especially following the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court...
The Birth of a King
The Son of God, in kindness He cameAs a friend to the hopeless, the lost, and the lameOur sins He...
Silent Night? Did Paul Not Believe in the Virgin Birth?
It’s Christmas time, and I can already hear the choruses. No, I’m not talking about Christmas carolers. I’m referring to...
When Fear & Dread Rage - 10 Steps to Overcoming Them
In a fallen world, fear and dread lie just below the surface. Times of crisis heave us into uncertainty. We...
A Christian Response to the Occult
Christians hold various opinions about Halloween, but one thing it certainly points to is the human fascination with the supernatural....
Postmodernism 2.0, Truth, Race, and Sex
A truth-denying philosophy called postmodernism is making a comeback. In some ways, it never left. When people speak of “My...
Women Witnesses: How Jesus Meets and Elevates the Status of Women
Jesus’ ministry is one of reversal. One of the extremely countercultural and revolutionary aspects of Jesus’ ministry is how he...
Christianity: Champion of Women’s Rights
In recent years, whenever there have been marches and protests about women’s issues, it is common for some women to...
The Rise of Imaginative Apologetics
In the past 10 years a new approach to apologetics has emerged that is variously called imaginative, cultural, or narrative...
How Christianity Shaped the World
One of the myths of the modern Western world is that Christianity has been a mostly detrimental force in history....
Why You Matter — An Age-Old Question
Do you matter? Do you really matter? It’s interesting. We live in a time where it seems that more people...
Beyond Biblical Integration: Fulfilling Your School’s Distinctively Christian Mission
Several years ago, I set out to understand how a biblical worldview actually develops in a person—how someone comes to...
Conversations, Logic, and the Canaanites
In this Question of the Week, Dr. William Lane Craig of Reasonable Faith discusses morality and the treatment of the...
Strobel and Turek: The Case for Miracles
In this episode of the CrossExamined podcast, Dr. Frank Turek interviews Lee Strobel, author of the best-selling book The Case...
Is the Jonah Story Plausible?
This recent video by Dr. Sean McDowell draws our attention to one of the most famous, and infamous, Bible stories....
Featured Articles
An Argument from Design for God’s Existence
It is difficult not to feel a sense of amazement when looking at the surrounding world. There are millions of...
The Hope of the Servant King in Trials & Tribulations
The credits begin rolling. You get up from your seat, grab your popcorn bag, and head for the exit. On...
4 Common Objections to Christianity: Long & Short Answers
Ever since its origin—some 2,000 years ago—questions and objections have been raised against the Christian faith. As followers of Jesus—and...
Preparing for Spiritual Warfare
As Halloween comes around every year, the reality of the spiritual realm comes to the forefront in many people’s minds....
Show MoreFinding God in the Twilight — Douglas Groothuis
How do you continue to find God as dementia pulls your loved one into the darkness? Where is God...
Meaning, Purpose, & Resurrection (Rebroadcast) — Megan Almon
Megan Almon speaks on issues of life, meaning, and culture, and includes the compelling B.E.A.R. argument for the veracity...
Can Science Explain Everything? (Rebroadcast) — John Lennox
Are science and faith at odds? Does the scientific method and knowledge disprove or make God unnecessary? John Lennox...
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Show MoreRoom for Leaving Questions Open
Is There an Architect? “The Architect” begins with what seems like a genuine reflection on the small wonders of the...
Progressive Christianity: Clarity & Charity
Some people who consider themselves Progressive Christians fall outside the bounds of orthodoxy in one or more of these basic...
A Caricature of Christ
In the early 1990s “W.W.J.D.” bracelets were all the rage in youth groups across America. Christians wore them as a...
Show MoreIs Christianity the Truth Story of Reality?
Jon Noyes explains how the origin of the universe, the objective moral landscape, and the human soul all point to...
Does God Suffer With Us?
Matt Jones talks about how Jesus, God in human flesh, suffers with and for us. Jesus is not a distant...
Is Christianity Pro-Women?
Is the Way of Jesus supportive of and empowering for women? Alycia Wood explores how the biblical narrative views women...