Join us for a fun episode with real talk about the need for apologetics—even for Christian kids!—interning at Summit, filmmaking, and so much more! Jack Murphy is an integral part of the Colson Center for Worldview Team but he started as a Summit student, staff, and intern. (And met his wife there!) Come listen in to his insights and be encouraged to see how God can show his purpose for you!
Find out more about Summit’s 12-day Biblical Worldview Conference & Camp for Young Adults here. Summit’s conferences empower students to impact culture with truth while building lasting relationships. The world pressures young adults to doubt Christianity and walk away. For over 60 years, we have equipped students ages 16-22 to defend, own, and live out a Biblical Worldview. Summit’s Student Conferences create a space for teens to wrestle through their questions about life and faith, equipping them to become confident in their convictions and better ambassadors for Christ.