The Image of God: Our Identity as Representatives of God

What does it mean to bear the image of God? Read & download the ebook here. Amongst all the beautiful creation God designed, humans are the pinnacle of his work, uniquely made in his likeness and serving as his image. Christians have long debated what it means to be an image bearer of God and what application it has for us today. Is image bearing about sharing certain attributes with God, or could it be speaking to a more foundational aspect of our identity?

So God created humans in his image,     in the image of God he created them;     male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27

The ebook below unpacks what the image of God means and the profound implications it has in every area of life. You will read how: 1) Every person is an image bearer of God and shares in his likeness. 2) Being God’s image means each person has the status and identity to manifest and communicate God’s presence, to be his representative who reflects God to all creation. 3) As God’s images, all humans are God’s offspring, and thus share a unique connection and likeness with him. 4) This is a royal status. God is King and we are his subjects, given the task to rule and reign under his authority, to steward God’s creation, expand his rule, and fill it with his presence. 5) Finally, Jesus of Nazareth is the quintessential image of God. He shows what it looks like to fully manifest God to a broken world, something we are called to imitate.

If you’d like to learn more about this important idea, check out the following free ebook:

The Image of God: Our Identity as God’s Representatives