Defending Life: Stay Hitched to Your Sled by Scott Klusendorf

As followers of Jesus, valuing and protecting innocent life is something we always should strive for. There are few areas this is more pertinent than in the pro-life discussion. In a post Roe America, abortion conversations can get ugly really fast. Because of this, some of us feel overwhelmed and give up talking about this emotional topic altogether. This need not be the case.

Scott Klusendorf is a leading voice in the pro-life movement. In the follower download, Scott offers some helpful, simple, but effective strategies for talking in a winsome way about the value of the unborn. In particular, he focuses on the acronym SLED as one tool to begin a conversation about the value of life.

Download the free ebook below to help equip and encourage you with this important topic!

Scott Klusendorf

Scott Klusendorf is President of Life Training Institute where he equips pro-life advocates to make a persuasive case for life. He has taught pro-life apologetics at the graduate level at Biola University and Trinity Law School, and lectured at over 80 colleges and universities including. Scott’s debate opponents have included Nadine Strossen, attorney Edward Tabash, attorney Kathryn Kolbert, and Katherine Kneer. He is the host of the television series, “Life is Best" and author of The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture. Scott is a graduate of UCLA and holds a Master’s degree in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. He and his wife Stephanie have been married since 1985 and have four children.