Summit Basecamp: February 8, 2020

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Event Sessions

Click here for a PDF of the event schedule.

Moral Choices: Are you a good person and how do you know? (Mike Sherrard) Today’s young adults are driven by their moral convictions. They are morally motivated and are willing to work toward seeing their vision of a good and fair world become a reality. But what is good, and how does one know? How do the younger generations answer those questions? In this lecture, we will look at how the younger generations determine what is good, to what degree secular ethics have influenced them, and how we can help them make God-honoring moral decisions in a morally complicated world.
Transhumanism and the Image of God: Making sense of a new and influential worldview (Jay Watts) As new technologies emerge almost daily, the ability to incorporate these advancements into our lives pushes far beyond simple tools. Our students are growing up in a world where technology can reshape humanity itself. We need to be aware of the difference between therapeutic uses of technologies and those uses which may fundamentally alter the human experience. However much this new worldview expresses itself in the language of improving the human condition, it can foster a view of what it means to be human that erodes basic concepts of gratitude, relationship, and how we seek the perfections of our nature through living in the likeness of Christ.
A Common Good: What to think about Socialism, Communism, and the 2020 election (Dr. Jeff Myers) Today’s students are globally aware with a keen sense of justice. Unfortunately, this makes them highly susceptible to false worldviews such as Marxism and Socialism. Seventy-percent of young adults now say they would vote for a socialist for president.  Does the Bible have anything to say about the crucial economic (and political) issues of our day?


Event Speakers

Dr. Jeff Myers, President of Summit Ministries
In the last 20 years, Dr. Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree and teaches leadership courses through CollegePlus and Belhaven University. Jeff and his family live in Colorado.

Jay Watts, President of Merely Human Ministries
Jay is the Founder and President of Merely Human Ministries, INC., an organization committed to equipping Christians and people who hold pro-life views to graciously defend the intrinsic dignity of all human life in a positive, impacting, and Gospel inspired manner. He has spoken to high schools, universities, and professional organizations all across the United States. He has appeared on radio and television interviews, regularly featured as the keynote at banquets and national conferences, published popular level articles on a wide array of topics pertaining to bioethics and the university culture, and is a contributing writer with the Christian Research Journal.

Mike Sherrard, Pastor at Crosspoint Community Church
Mike Sherrard (B.A. Religion, M.Div. Apologetics, D. Min. Ethics in progress) has been equipping young adults to defend the Christian faith for nearly 20 years. He is the lead pastor of Crosspoint Community Church, the former director of Ratio Christi College Prep, and the author of Relational Apologetics. He is currently under contract to write You Matter: How the World’s Quest for Meaning is Meaningless Without God (Baker, Spring 2021). Mike and his family live in Peachtree City, Ga.

Megan Almon, Event Emcee
Megan Almon, graduated from Biola University with a masters degree in Christian apologetics and is a speaker and writer with Life Training Institute. Megan and her husband, Tripp — Director of Programs and Summit Semester for Summit Ministries — are former residents of Newnan GA, and now live in Manitou Springs Colorado with their two children, Neely and Rogan.